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Hidden Gems: Meet Marilisa Lawless of Hemp Del Soul

Article Credit: VoyageMIA

Original Article: Click here to read the original article from VoyageMIA

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marilisa Lawless.

Hi Marilisa, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today. Well, in 2018 we had clients coming through the door asking if we had heard of CBD. We are Psychotherapists and work with trauma, anxiety, and depression regularly. After much research, we decided to try this on our old dog. She barely moved and was tired all the time. 3days with CBD and she was ready to play, walk and feel good again. Next, Marilisa has a daughter on the spectrum. Her anxiety is all at the top level. After 5 days she came and said, “thank you, this is great I feel better”. From that point, we decided to give it to family and friends. The majority said they felt better with varying degrees, and it was game on. We opened an official brick-and-mortar store.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road? The struggle was with the world. Covid hit shortly after we opened. We had to close up and online was a scramble.

We didn’t understand advertising initially and were taken advantage of financially. Just bumps.

Of course, many people mistakenly confused it with marijuana. Cannabis is often just lumped into being marijuana. Cannabis is a parent so to speak. All of our products are Hemp based. No special license is required, you will not get high from a full-spectrum Hemp product. We have been and continue to do much education around these products. Hemp and Marijuana are cousins.

As you know, we’re big fans of Hemp Del Soul. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand? We actually have 2 companies. We started over 30 years ago as The Transformation Project. A family-owned family therapy practice in downtown Davie. We have been in this location for over 30 years.

We have looked for alternatives to medication for many years. We have had an internal crystal store for about 8 years. We added CBD in 2018. The research in this area was troublesome initially and our reputation was important to us since we had one to protect so after looking at about 400 different companies, we chose one farm to purchase from and have maintained that contact since.

What do you think about luck? No luck at all, Hard work, research, maybe a bit of faith in the universe… maybe that is the luck one referes to…

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